Tuesday, June 22, 2010

a handsome card in every pound

sailboat trade card

One of the reasons I am drawn to Victorian scrap, trade cards and rewards of merit is because I love the idea that just a lovely piece of paper was a prize.

Around 1876 color printing became accessible and affordable. This is when trading and collecting scrap paper became very popular. This led to the a big trend in scrapbooks beginning around the 1880's.

columbia cofee

This is an advertising trade card made around 1880-1890. These decorated paper cards were so sought after that businesses made them just to give away. They figured you would be less likely to forget them if you had a pretty item with their name and business on the back.

This company Closset & Devers sold spices, coffee and tea in Portland. They were the first firm in the Northwest to make use of vacuum coffee can.

This image below taken about 1905 and the information about Closset & Devers was found on Old Oregon Photos. A neat site!

1 comment:

  1. You're right about companies making Victorian trade cards just to give away. Expositions were one place companies gave cards away. Just think, scores and scores of people in one place where they could give LOTS of cards away with minimal effort. Coffee companies put cards in their boxes of coffee a lot. Want the card? Buy the coffee. Sneeky. I wrote a note (blog entry) about the Woolson Spice Co. who did this - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Remember-When-Vintage-Postcards/192638375639?v=app_2347471856#!/notes/remember-when-vintage-postcards/woolson-spice-co-history/119331458974. The pictured trade card (found in their coffee) was sent in for a lithograph of the pictured girl. Nice prize. I know I kind of ran on and on, but I truly enjoy trade cards and postcards too.
