Tuesday, February 21, 2012

lovely lanterns

I love lanterns, especially pretty colored paper lanterns, but I also love simple mason jar lanterns, too. I have been meaning to start a Pinterest category for them and now I will that I've finally posted these two lantern images from my collection.

This one below is actually a card. It is super long and short (8" x 2"), but opens and says "A Sunshine Card" on the back. I love it and have had it up on my board for a couple of years.

long lantern greeting card

This postcard below is tinted, probably from around 1900. It was made in Austria. So pretty.

lantern birthday postcard

Friday, February 17, 2012

sick days

bible school postcard

I have been sick all this week. I have been staying home, resting and drinking lots of liquids. If I were currently attending bible school, I'm sure I would have gotten this postcard. It's such a lovely picture. The dress, the phone, the vase - I love it all.

The only thing I have really accomplished this week, besides keeping the Ocean Spray and Kleenex companies in business, is that I finally created the Vintage Color Palettes I have been thinking about doing for a couple of months. I am posting them on the other blog PonyBoy Press and they are all pinned on Pinterest, so you can follow them there, too. They are so fun to do! If you aren't quite sure what it's about, you can see the first post here.

Today is Postcard Friendship Friday. You can visit other postcard blogs by visiting The Best Hearts are Crunchy blog and clicking on the blogs listed after the entry. Thanks to TBHC blog for hosting!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

This card is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. I only wish it could scan as pretty as it is. The silver metallic background and the bright pink dress and dappled trees are getting lost a bit in the translation, but the sentiment is crystal clear and so lovely.

Hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 13, 2012

just my type

typewriter valentine

Happy almost Valentine's Day to you all. I got this vintage valentine last month and adore it. It's a keeper. The paper in the typewriter moves up and down (it's connected to her feet below). I guess it was where people were supposed to write. This one is not written on and I'm guessing it's from the 1930's.

When I was a kid in 3rd or 4th grade, this rich girl in my class gave out these deluxe valentines to everyone and they moved like this one. Mine was a typewriter and it said "You're just my type" and the paper moved up and down. I thought it was the most awesome valentine ever. I was especially loved that it was a typewriter and loved that she chose that for me. 

This one that was made 40 years earlier and is a way fancier version, but my memory of that childhood one makes it even more special.

Speaking of "just my type". The blog The Copycat Collector blog recently profiled The Cedar Chest. What fun that was and how neat to discover a new blog. Take a look and see all the wonderful collections she has of Valentine themed things. Here are a few of my favorite images.

And I love this collection of Valentine hankies! 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

His Mustache had Become a Problem

I have been looking forward to sharing this with you all. This is such a great portrait. 
It's also for sale on the Etsy shop.