My summer has not been that great and I'm looking forward to a better fall - my favorite season. I will miss the summer fruits, though. Seasonal produce, swimming and longer days are my favorite part of summer. The weather here is hot and going to get hotter. In fact, it's hotter than it's been all summer these last several days and will continue.But, I'm still thinking of September as I always do - like a new beginning - a fresh start. I guess it's a feeling left over from school days.
So, here's a postcard for the end of summer. Sent to a college boy. I really like the message on this postcard.
This was sent from Cleveland, Ohio in June 1929 from Adele to Mr. Stanlee Bates at Case School Camp
Mercy I thought college fellows always kept things going.
Don't talk about the weather. I am simply melted.
Am off for the day on a picnic at the beach, to bad you aren't here to go along. Was real glad to hear from you.