Today has been sunny and about 55 degrees. It has been like this for a couple of weeks. Plants are starting to bloom. Little buds are sprouting from my hydrangea and a friend actually saw a daffodil the other day.
This is the earliest false spring I have ever heard of. I know there is more winter for Portland, but it sure doesn't seem interested in showing up.
Here are some photos I got recently of a very different January in this town. This was on 114th and Fremont in January of 1954. The woman in the photo is Ruth May.

The address and name of the woman is on the back of the photos. I couldn't find the same exact house (as often happens the address numbers have been changed a bit), but I think this is the street view now.
View Larger MapThats some crazy snow. Although I am not looking for this kind of weather, a little more winter would be fine for me.